Saturday, January 19, 2008

Kelley Interview

I think its high time I wrote about my promised Kelley interview.

The interview was preceded my my first drive in the snow. With chunks of ice falling off the vehicles ahead of me and disintegrating instantaneously into infinite particles on the tarmac before colliding with my windshield at a hundred kilometers an hour, it seemed difficult to determine whether i was on the interstate in Indiana or in war torn Iraq!

However I did reach 10th street ahead of schedule (by almost 2 hours) and Mr Holmen was conveniently free. We decided to go ahead with the interview but only after I had profusely apologized for not being in proper attire (i had not yet bought the suit and the only thing formal on me was the Tie). Thankfully he just laughed it off and brought to attention that he too was not quite dressed for the occasion!

The interview was extremely conversational and brought out the experience in my interviewer as he effortlessly drew out all his required knowledge from me. We talked about the automotive industry and my experiences at Delphi, about the difficulties in living in snow, car cleaning tricks, leadership, about what my teammates would miss about me the most, why an MBA, why now, how I am still far too young and mainly about my plan for my future. I asked him a few questions pertaining to consulting and some activities at Kelley and ended the interview on a very positive note.

There were a few points that he brought up that really made my day. He said that he thought that as I showed great communication skills, have international work ex and have a Huge name like Delphi on my resume, I was already half way thru to my place in the consulting world!


The drive back was pleasent with me contemplating the interview and how i could have answered certain questions a bit differently.

I gave it a great shot though and for now, thats good enough for me.


HNH said...

Hi Azazel, I got an interview invitation from Kelley MBA. May I ask you interview experience? Please let me know your email address if you don't mind. Mine is
Kindest regards,

Unknown said...

Its 2015 and Mr. Holmen is still at it. I feel like I should let you know how this goes. :D